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With an optimal climate, you can finish the building on time.

Published 2022-12-09

With an optimal climate, you can finish the building on time.

Nordtec CEC Building Climate Application

High humidity can delay even the most well-planned construction projects. Therefore, it is important to keep a close eye on the building climate to quickly see if the drying process is proceeding according to plan or if you may need to take extra measures to give the drying process a boost in the right direction. The Celsicom TH600 logger is a convenient, reliable solution for monitoring the building climate.

During house construction, many building materials with different moisture contents are used. To dry out the materials, fans and heaters are placed on the sites. It is then important to keep an eye on the construction climate to avoid costly delays which, in the worst case scenario, could result in the building not being completed on schedule.

Early warning signs

– The expulsion of moisture in building materials is often a slow process. You have to make sure that there is as little water as possible in the air, otherwise the material will not dry on time,” says Jens Åkervall of Nordtec.

If for some reason dehydration is not working properly, it is crucial to get warning signals about this as early as possible in the construction process.

– The heating may need to be increased and/or an additional fan installed to properly remove moisture from the building material.

Continuous monitoring

Sampling and measuring humidity is one way to assess the status of the building climate. However, if a control measurement shows a high humidity level and thus dehydration is too slow, it may be too late to remedy this, which then pushes back the timetable. Instead, continuous monitoring of the building climate is preferable.

– This is what the Celsicom TH600 makes so much easier and more efficient. It keeps you constantly updated on the construction climate so you can stay on schedule and avoid unnecessary delays,” says Jens Åkervall.

Current values and alarms

The Celsicom TH600 is a wireless and directly connected measurement box with internal sensors for measuring both temperature and humidity. Measurement ranges are -30 to +70 °C and up to 100 %RH. The compact and durable box is powered by two standard AA batteries that are cheap to replace – after about a year of operation. All measurement data is sent on a dedicated, reliable frequency on Telia’s mobile network to the Celsiview cloud service.

– You can view current temperature and humidity values at any time, for example on your mobile phone. And if any of your limits are exceeded, you will receive an automatic text message or email and can quickly take action.

Valuable documentation

Getting started with the Celsicom Easy Connect TH600 is easy. All you have to do is remove the snap-on lid of the box and scan a QR code to activate the temperature and humidity measurement. You can create an account in the Celsiview cloud service in a few minutes.

What you need to start measuring building climate

Celsicom TH600 Applications

Celsicom TH600 with internal humidity and temperature sensor

The Celsiview cloud service

Directly connected monitoring of temperature, %RH, steam content and dew point. The TH600 measurement box has a compact, moisture-resistant enclosure and internal sensors for humidity and temperature. A typical application is remote monitoring of the building climate.

Read more about TH600

Celsiview is a web-based cloud service for measurement, which means you don’t need to install any software or download an app.

Read more about Celsiview

CelsicomEasyConnect Celsiview bild

Building climate

Application: Humidity monitoring to ensure that the drying process is running according to plan.

Measurement solution: Directly connected and cloud-based Celsicom Easy Connect.

Contact persons

Thomas Ottosson


Mats Landin

Area of responsibility: Industry and desktop
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