Published 2022-12-21
Constant high pressure in the lab for calibrations
Week after week, lab manager Maria Almestål and her colleagues receive a never-ending stream of different measuring instruments that need to be calibrated. In this article, Maria explains what calibrations are done in the rebuilt, expanded lab and why it is important to calibrate measuring equipment.
At Nordtec, up to 4,000 sensors are calibrated every month. As a result, over the past five years we have doubled the number of staff calibrating instruments in our own lab and on site at customer locations. The calibration lab has also undergone major changes. In today’s expanded 100 square meter lab, Maria Almestål and her team are able to perform many different accredited calibrations.
– We have a fully equipped lab where we can carry out tests on temperature, humidity, pressure and air speed. We use different baths and ovens to measure temperatures. Except when it comes to IR temperatures, which are measured with a so-called black body (solid black mass with an emission factor of 1.0),” says Maria:
– As for moisture, we have previously only measured it in three huminators (humidity chambers). Moisture is an area of measurement that has grown a lot in recent years. This is why we have purchased the Thunder calibration equipment. It is a humidity generator that, instead of measuring in a humid environment, sets the humidity with a pressure dew point.
Calibration of all makes
Furthermore, we have increased the capacity for air velocity measurement by investing in a new, larger wind tunnel that can also handle air flow instruments. There have also been improvements in the working environment. Some sonic calibrations, such as moisture measurement, have their own room. Height-adjustable benches also contribute to better ergonomics and workflows in the lab.
– We not only calibrate the instruments we sell ourselves, but also receive and review measuring equipment from all brands. Just get in touch and we will do our best to solve the calibration. If we are not able to do it ourselves, we cooperate with Testo Industrial Services (TIS) who can perform calibrations on no less than 200 measurement quantities.
Who needs to calibrate instruments?
In particular, you should calibrate instruments to ensure your own measurement data. To reduce measurement uncertainty and thereby ensure the quality of your operations. All industries have different high standards and requirements regarding the calibration of measuring instruments. Pharmaceuticals and food are among the industries with the most stringent requirements for periodic calibration.
– There is a clear trend for more and more measuring equipment to be calibrated. No matter what industry you are in,” says Maria Almestål.
– What many people may not know is that if you are ISO 9000 certified and use measuring equipment, it is required to be calibrated. Otherwise, the annual audit will crack down on this and you will be forced to quickly resolve a calibration in order not to jeopardize the ISO certification.

“What is this and what do we do now?”
Maria and her colleagues are often asked to calibrate odd pieces of measuring equipment, so they are constantly learning new things.
– It is incredibly fascinating that there are so many different activities out there that you have no idea about! There is not a single day that is the same. Even though I’ve been in the lab for five years, I still find myself in situations where I think: “What is this and what do we do now?” says Maria and laughs.
– It is this variety and constant challenge that makes this job so enjoyable.
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Contact persons

Maria Almestål
Responsibilities: Lab Manager
031-704 10 82
031-704 10 70