Decision rule

Quality manual for calibration – Annex 10

1. General

In order to ensure that a calibration result complies with specifications or limit values, Nordtec Instrument AB applies a decision rule where we take into account the allowed deviation from the product specification together with the measurement uncertainty from our own method.

Customers have the possibility to specify a different deviation for their instrument than the one specified by the manufacturer. In this case, the measurement uncertainty of the method will be weighted towards this deviation instead of the manufacturer’s.

2. terms used in the decision rule

Permitted deviationBlack lineWhat the specification from the customer or the manufacturer of the instrument says the instrument should do.
Nominal valueRed lineValue of the reference (after correction)
Measurement uncertainty methodBlue linesMeasurement uncertainty of the method for the current calibration
Current measurement valueXMeasured value of the calibration object
Accepted valueGreen buckThe decision rule is applied with accepted value
Failed valueRed crossThe decision rule is applied with a failed value
Uncertain valueYellow dotThe decision rule cannot be applied. The value is at the limit and the customer decides whether to accept it or not.

3. mathematical explanation

Our decision rule is based on a mathematical calculation. To simplify the understanding of this, we choose to show our decision rule schematically instead of in long calculation formulas.

Figure 1. Accepted measurement values

Accepted measurement values

We accept all calibrations where the measurement uncertainty of the method is more than 70% within the allowed deviation.

This means that all examples in Figure 1 are approved values and are marked in our certificates with the symbol Green buck.

Failed measurements
Figure 2. Failed measurements.

Failed measurements

Failure occurs when the measurement uncertainty of the method is more than 70% outside the allowed deviation (in other words, the measurement uncertainty of the method is less than 30% inside the allowed deviation).


This means that in this case all examples in Figure 2 are failed and are marked in our certificates with the symbol Red cross.

Decision rule figure 3
Figure 3. Metrics where the decision rule cannot be applied.

Metrics where decision rule cannot be applied

We also have cases where the decision rule cannot be applied. Examples of these can be found in Figure 3. The measurement uncertainty of the method is greater than the permitted tolerance specified. Or the measurement uncertainty of the method is just outside with only 60% within the accepted value. For all these cases, Nordtec Instrument does not take any decisions itself. We contact the customer who can decide if they think the instrument needs to be adjusted or not. As we deal with a lot of customers who have different tolerances in their operations, we want to be in close contact with the customer to understand their needs.


These measured values are marked in the certificate with the symbol Yellow dot.