Published 2022-08-09
40th anniversary of good cheerleaders
Since 1982, Almondy has been spreading the joy of coffee with its frozen cakes. The Daimt cake, which has been around for over 20 years, remains the company’s best seller worldwide. To ensure a high quality of both raw materials and finished baked goods, Almondy has a strong focus on reliable temperature monitoring at all stages.
In an 8,000 square meter facility in Torslanda outside Gothenburg, Sweden, Almondy develops and bakes frozen cakes and cookies. Annual production amounts to no less than 18 million frozen desserts sold in some 50 countries worldwide. The largest markets are the Nordic countries and Germany.
Almondy’s first product was the almond cake, which is still available. Over the years, it has been joined by other frozen cakes, the result of collaborations with famous brands such as Daim, Toblerone, Milka and Cadbury. But despite new additions of tasty cakes such as this year’s Salted Caramel Crush, the Daimt cake is still the biggest seller. Margareta Johannesson, Quality and Sustainability Manager at Almondy, thinks she knows why.
Universal taste of the Daimt cake
– It has a universal taste that is easy to like. Other flavors can be very national. In Germany, for example, people like cherries and in Finland licorice is popular,” says Margareta.
Receiving and carefully checking raw materials such as cream, eggs and chocolate is the first important step in the production of the popular cakes. The raw materials are then processed in different ways. Cake bases are baked and baked. Creams are mixed together and pasteurized. Various toppings and chocolate mixtures are added and then the cakes are assembled, frozen and packed and then stored in cold storage for delivery.
The production is highly automated and consists of two production lines that together produce almost 4,000 cakes per hour. Anna Jörhov, microbiologist and quality specialist at Almondy, says that the challenges in production are about ensuring quality at every stage.
Logs in cold, freezing and heating rooms
– Everything from ensuring good raw materials to making sure that everything we make is good to eat, for example that there are no burnt cake bases and that the cream is cooked to the right temperature so that it holds together well.
To keep track of temperatures, Almondy uses data loggers from the Testo measurement system at six locations in cold, freezer and heating rooms. The loggers are an invaluable tool to ensure, for example, that cream is kept in the right cooling conditions and that chocolate is kept perfectly warm and remains liquid.
– The data loggers give us good statistics on how everything works, so we can meet the requirements of different standards. We also get good information that we can share with all employees internally, to show the temperature fluctuations that can occur if, for example, a door is left open for too long,” says Margareta Johannesson and continues:
– It also gives us a good basis for showing our customers if they are skeptical about a product they have received. We then have evidence that, for example, the freezer has never been above minus 18 degrees.
Makes daily work easier
There are many advantages to data loggers, say Anna and Margareta. First, they automatically send an alarm to Almondy’s service department if, for example, the temperature rises in a freezer. On the other hand, the loggers make daily work much easier.
– I can sit at the computer and easily retrieve data back in time, for a specific day and time,” says Anna.
She is joined by Margareta:
– Previously I had to get all the loggers, connect them to the computer and print out all the statistics on paper. So the data loggers we use today have made our job much easier.
In addition to the stationary loggers, Almondy also has various handheld instruments from Testo for quick checking of raw material deliveries and as reference meters for sensors in a large number of tanks. The latter involves operators using the testo 108 food thermometer to carry out spot checks, such as checking that the cream is at the right temperature.
Task: tasting
Anna and Margareta make no secret of the fact that they and their colleagues eat a lot of cake. One of their tasks is also to taste and comment on new flavors. So which cake is your favorite?

– Salted Caramel Crush! The juicy almond base, the buttercream which is divine, the peanuts and then the salted coal and chocolate. There’s nothing that doesn’t work,” says Anna.
Margareta has a little more difficulty choosing a clear favorite, but finally says:
– As well as the original, the almond cake, we have a lemon mousse cake which I think is really good. I really like the variety of our range. When we host a cake party, there are lots of delicious flavors to choose from.
Margareta has worked at Almondy for almost 20 years. When we ask her what makes the job so interesting and stimulating, she quickly responds with a broad smile:
– Imagine spreading joy all over the world with the world’s most delicious cake. How can it be anything but fun?
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Contact persons

Ove Södergren
Area of responsibility: Food, Industry, Life sciences
031-704 10 76
031-704 10 70