Published 2022-08-16
Flood alarms and temperature logging
For Mikroponent AB in Värnamo, high production reliability is important. This is why the sheet metal specialist has been using the Celsicom remote monitoring system for many years to keep track of temperature and humidity and avoid overheating and flooding in production.
We had a chat with Fredrik Ingvarsson, Technical Manager at Mikroponent to hear how they use Celsicom to ensure smooth and efficient production.
When do you take measurements with Celsicom?
– We use the system in two ways. The first was to replace the previous flood alarm. Thanks to the analog modules, this was very easy to implement together with the old system.
– The second way is more of a classic measurement of temperature and humidity in premises, but also as a temperature log for machines. Here, these meters also serve as an additional safety measure to avoid overheating.
Are you satisfied with the system?
– We use the system in two ways. The first was to replace the previous flood alarm. Thanks to the analog modules, this was very easy to implement together with the old system.
How does the readout of measured values work?
– The values are easy to read. It’s perfect that it looks the same on mobile and desktop.
How did you do this before?
– We used to have a custom-built system based on a local computer, but as usual, it got older and stopped working and since old software and new computers don’t work well together, it was time to find something more flexible.
Can you tell us about any specific measurement solution?
– That would be the flood alarm, which is connected via an analog module. From here there is a long loop in the basement. When one of the floats in the floor makes contact, this closes the circuit and we get an alarm. In this way, we can avoid additional work.
Have you thought about other applications?
– Absolutely, mainly I would like to connect the old tank monitoring system. As I understand it, this should be entirely possible now. Furthermore, I am waiting for Celsicom to come up with a software update that will enable automatic event control. Let’s say a tank shows TOO high a level, the system could then use “event control” to close a circuit. I can then (automatically) use this circuit to, for example, start a siren/flashlight and/or to close/open a valve.
Related customer stories
Remote monitoring of humidity and temperature
Contact persons

Thomas Ottosson
Area of responsibility: Industrial and stationary
031-704 10 87
031-704 10 70