Published 2024-02-28
Smart concrete measurement streamlines construction of maternity hospitals
HA Bygg is literally laying the foundation for a new maternity hospital at Östra Sjukhuset in Gothenburg. A yellow smart concrete computer helps supervisor Fredrik Daun and his crew keep track of when castings have reached the right strength, saving a lot of valuable time.
The construction of the Eastern Hospital started after summer 2023 and is expected to last until 2028. A new maternity and neonatal building will be completed opposite Queen Silvia’s Children’s Hospital. As many as 12,500 deliveries per year will be possible in the new building.
The building will have a total of 11 floors. Nine floors above ground are dedicated to reception, maternity, neonatal and traditional care, as well as emergency rooms, overnight accommodation and administration.
4 000 cubic meters of concrete
There will be two levels of underground culverts. These culverts and the base plate of the house are cast by HA Bygg. It is an extensive job, to say the least. A total of 4,000 cubic meters of concrete is expected to be used to cast the 120-meter-long and 30-meter-wide base plate, walls and vaults. Some 40 people from HA Bygg will be employed until the end of this year.
To be able to see the status of castings at any time remotely, HA Bygg uses the Celsicom TC603 concrete computer. It is a compact and robust, connected and battery-powered concrete computer that uses two embedded thermocouple wires to continuously measure the concrete temperature. An internal sensor in the measuring box also records the ambient air temperature.

This saves us a lot of time!
Fredrik Daun
Celsiview calculates strength
All measurements are automatically stored in the Celsiview cloud service. It also includes the concrete recipe used by HA Bygg. Using all this information, Celsiview can show the progress of the concrete’s curing and its current strength. In other words, supervisor Fredrik Daun and his colleagues do not need to make control measurements or calculate the concrete strength. All Fredrik has to do is log on to his mobile phone to instantly see the strength of the concrete at each measurement point.
Seeing concrete status in real time
– The Celsicom box is easy to use. Both in terms of entering recipes and keeping track of the concrete, says Fredrik Daun and elaborates:
– In the past, we have had to take intermediate measurements and make our own calculations based on experience of how the concrete develops under certain temperature conditions. Using this Celsicom box, we can see in real time how the concrete has behaved in terms of temperature and durability. And I can get an automatic email when the strength has reached 70 percent, so we can start demolishing the column and loading the concrete with the next floor.
Constant logistical challenges
The castings themselves are not very difficult to carry out. However, the logistics are difficult. Timing of deliveries is a constant challenge. Mainly because of the lack of space to lay materials before they are used in construction.
Therefore, it is nice for Fredrik and his colleagues to not have to worry about and keep an eye on the strength of the concrete. This is simply done for them by Celsicom TC603 and the Celsiview cloud service.
– This saves us a lot of time. In the long run, it probably means that we can save a lot of money as well,” concludes Fredrik Daun.
Watch the demo video of the Celsicom TC603

HA Bygg
Activities: The company was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden. HA Bygg operates in western Sweden, the Stockholm area and the Oslo region (via a Norwegian subsidiary). They offer large and small contracts in construction and land development. A significant proportion of the jobs involve cast-in-place concrete. HA Bygg has received awards such as “Concrete Contractor of the Year” and “Helgjutet”.
Measurement solution: Celsicom TC603 connected and battery-powered concrete computer with automatic cloud storage of measurement values. It is used for remote monitoring of castings. The Celsicom box both measures the ambient temperature and calculates the strength of the concrete.
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Contact persons

Mats Landin
Area of responsibility: Construction, HVAC and indoor environment
031-704 10 85
031-704 10 70