testo 616 – moisture indicator and moisture ratio meter

Moisture indicator that measures non-destructively with clear differences in readings

  • Measurement depth down to 50 mm
  • Fast measurement results
  • Can also measure moisture content non-destructively
  • Adjustable for different materials

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testo 616 as a moisture indicator when examining moisture damage

The moisture meter is a convenient and reliable instrument for non-destructive measurement and determination of moisture in materials. The instrument measures with a dielectric field that penetrates materials to a depth of between 30 and 50 mm, depending on the material. Clear changes in measurement values allow you to easily localize moisture damage, even through dry surface materials such as plastic carpets, wallpaper, etc.

testo 616 is particularly suitable for moisture damage surveys where moisture is present but not visible. It saves time and money by precisely locating the extent of the moisture damage. It is also very helpful in following the progress of a dehumidification process.

testo 616 as a moisture meter

The instrument can also act as a moisture ratio meter, showing the moisture content of a material in weight percent compared to dry weight. This measurement only works on homogeneous (not mixed) materials. Ideal for moisture content measurement in e.g. carpentry, timber drying etc. To perform this type of measurement, the instrument is calibrated against a setting table containing a large number of different materials:

  • Softwoods such as spruce, larch, cherry, pine, poplar, meranti, etc.
  • Hardwoods such as beech, oak, maple, ash, walnut, birch, etc.
  • Chipboard
  • Cement plasters
  • Anhydrite filler
  • Concrete
  • Solid brick
  • Highly insulating bricks
  • Limestone
  • Aerated concrete

Included in delivery

Moisture meter testo 616, manual, factory protocol and batteries

Fabriksprotokoll: utfärdas på fabriken efter en kontroll av att produkten fungerar och uppfyller angiven mätnoggrannhet. Läs om skillnaden mellan fabriksprotokoll och ackrediterad kalibrering.

Measuring area wood0...50%
Measuring area building materials0...20%
Unitmoisture ratio
Measuring principlecapacitive measurement
Measuring depth wood50 mm
Other building materials30 mm
Measurement interval0.5 s
Format70 x 58 x 234 mm
Weight260 g
Battery9V IEC 6F 22
Battery life60 hrs
Instrument housingABS/TPE/Metal
Operating temperature+5...+40°C
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Datablad testo 616

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