testo 549i – wireless sensor for absolute pressure

For installation, servicing and troubleshooting of refrigeration and heat pump systems

  • -1 ... 60 bar
  • Up to 100 meters Bluetooth range
  • Measurement of high and low pressure

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testo 549i – wireless sensor for absolute pressure

The practical pressure sensor testo 549i is part of the 2nd generation of the testo SmartProbes series with, among other things, up to 100 m Bluetooth range. It is used in combination with a smartphone or tablet. It is suitable for servicing, troubleshooting and installing cooling and heat pump systems.

The sensor can be quickly and easily connected directly to the pressure connection, thanks to the 45° angle. When working with pressure connections that are far apart, the testo 549i makes work much easier – thanks to the wireless transmission of measurement data to a smartphone or tablet. Since no hoses are needed for the measurements, the loss of refrigerant is minimal.

More convenient measurement thanks to the app

The user can conveniently read the measured values in the free app downloaded to a smartphone or tablet. In combination with the pipe temperature sensor testo 115i, individual system parameters such as e.g. overheating is also calculated. The app also enables automatic calculation of evaporating and condensing temperatures.

All measurement data are presented either as a graph or in tabular form. Measurement results can then be sent directly as PDF or Excel files.

Included in delivery

The testo 549i is delivered with batteries and factory protocols.

Fabriksprotokoll: utfärdas på fabriken efter en kontroll av att produkten fungerar och uppfyller angiven mätnoggrannhet. Läs om skillnaden mellan fabriksprotokoll och ackrediterad kalibrering.


Measurement range-1 ... 60 bar
Accuracy ±1 digit“0.5% of the final value
0,01 bar
7/16" – UNF
Overbel. rel.
65 bar
Requires iOS 8.3 or later /
Android 4.3 or later
Requires mobile devices with Bluetooth 4.0
Storage temperature
-20 ... +60 °C
Operating temperature
-20 ... +50 °C
Battery type
3 AAA batteries
Battery time130 hours
Measurable mediaCFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, N, H2O, CO2
Measure150 x 32 x 31 mm
Guarantee2 years
ScopeUp to 100 m
There are no probes for this item.
Datablad testo 549i
Broschyr testo SmartProbes

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