testo 810 – IR thermometer with air temperature sensor

IR thermometer with simultaneous measurement of surface temperature and air temperature

  • Non-contact surface temperature measurement (IR)
  • Shows temperature difference between surface temperature and air temperature
  • 1-point laser for marking the measurement spot and 6:1 optics

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testo 810 – the IR thermometer that also measures air temperature

Unique to the testo 810 is the ability to measure both air temperature with an integrated NTC sensor and surface temperature with non-contact IR technology with a single instrument and without additional sensors. It can also display the diff temperature between the air and IR sensor. Features that make it the ideal instrument for many applications such as property management, etc.

Overview – Features and benefits of the IR thermometer testo 810

Fast and accurate measurement of surface and air temperature with the IR thermometer testo 810 with 2 measurements per second.
A summary of the benefits:

  • High resolution processor for best accuracy (0.1°C resolution)
  • Displays diff temperature between air and IR sensors
  • 6:1 optics for precise measurements at close range
  • The IR thermometer’s 1-point laser sight makes it easy to identify the measuring surface.
  • Part of the PocketLine series – professional measurement technology in pocket size
  • Min/max value display and hold function
  • Clear, illuminated display

Included in delivery

IR thermometer testo 810, protective cover, wrist strap, belt holder, manual and battery.

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IR temperature:
Measuring range:-30 ...+300 °C
Resolution:0.1 °C
Accuracy:±2.0 °C (-30 ... +100 °C)

± 2% of m.v. (rem. measuring range)
Air temperature:
Measuring range:-10 ...+50 °C
Resolution:0.1 °C
Accuracy:±0.5 °C
Operating temp.:-10 ... 50 °C
Battery type:Alkaline (2 pcs. AAA)
Battery life:50 hrs. (average value, without display lighting)

Dimensions (incl. protective case):119 x 46 x 25 mm
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There are no accessories for this item.
Datablad testo 810

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