testo 106 – affordable food thermometer

Affordable food thermometer with fixed insertion sensor

  • Measurement range: -50... 275°C
  • Can also be delivered with accredited calibration certificate
  • Fast and accurate core temperature measurements

 755:- exkl. moms

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Ackrediterat kalibreringsbevis: innan produkten levereras till dig kalibreras den med en ackrediterad kalibreringsmetod i punkterna -18, 0 och +60 °C. Kalibreringen innebär att leveranstiden förlängs med ca 5 arbetsdagar. Ta kontakt med oss innan du beställer produkten, om du behöver en kalibrering med andra mätpunkter. Obs! Du kan inte ångra ditt köp om du väljer att beställa en produkt med kalibrering.
Ackrediterat kalibreringsbevis: innan produkten levereras till dig kalibreras den med en ackrediterad kalibreringsmetod i punkterna 0, +20 och +60 °C. Kalibreringen innebär att leveranstiden förlängs med ca 5 arbetsdagar. Ta kontakt med oss innan du beställer produkten, om du behöver en kalibrering med andra mätpunkter. Obs! Du kan inte ångra ditt köp om du väljer att beställa en produkt med kalibrering.

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testo 106 – professional thermometer for foods

The testo 106 food thermometer enables accurate and fast measurements of the core temperature of food (or other liquid or semi-solid materials). It displays two measurements per second. Thanks to this performance, the thermometer is perfect for quick food checks in e.g. the food industry. canteens, catering, restaurants grocery stores etc. The compact, practical temperature meter is handy, fits in your pocket and has a slim, robust measuring tip. In combination with the TopSafe protective case, the meter is hygienic and water protected. The measuring kit includes a protective case, wall/belt holder and battery.

  • Measurement range: -50… 275°C
  • Select to accredited calibration certificate
  • Fast and accurate core temperature measurements
  • Thin measuring tip (2.2 mm) provides barely noticeable puncture holes
  • Alarm with sound/light indication when limit values are exceeded
  • Automatic final value identification
  • Complies with EU standard EN13485 and is HACCP compliant.
  • Protective case and belt holder included

Advantages of the testo 106 food thermometer

  • Very fast measurement results
  • Visual and audible alarm: LED lights up, alarm sounds
  • Narrow and robust measuring tip that leaves barely visible insertion holes
  • Automatic final value identification

Practical accessories – your advantage

  • Dishwater safe
  • Waterproof and dirt-resistant
  • IP65 rated
  • Complies with EN 13485 together with the TopSafe protective case.
  • Storage holders for safe storage
  • The holder can be attached to the wall or the belt.

Included on delivery

The testo 106 professional food thermometer, TopSafe protective case, storage holder with clips, factory protocol and instructions for use.

Köp med kalibrering

Behöver du ett kalibrerat mätinstrument? Välj önskad produktvariant ovanför köpknappen. 

Läs mer om kalibrering

Measurement range-50 ... +275 °C
Resolution0.1 °C
Accuracy±0.5 °C (-30 to +99.9 °C)

±1 °C (-50 to -30.1 °C)

±1% (+100 to +275 °C)
Battery lifeapprox. 350 h
Operating temperature-20 ... +50 °C
Storage temp.-40 ... +70 °C
Measuring tipLength: 58 mm

Diameter. 2.2 mm (boosted to 3 mm after 15 mm)
Measure215x34x19 mm
Material/houseHouse: ABS

Protective case TopSafe: TPU
Weight80 g
Battery type2 pcs CR2032
Guarantee2 years
Response time, t99:10 s
There are no probes for htis item.
Datablad testo 106

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