Splintax 25 – smoke producing matches

Smoke-producing matches - box of 25 matches

  • For airflow analysis
  • For tightness checks
  • For testing smoke detectors etc.

 80:- exkl. moms

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Smoke-producing matches – box of 25 matches

Smoking matches for various uses such as for example airflow studies and tightness control, testing of smoke detectors and fire alarms, draught control, e.g. in the case of a fire. boiler, ventilation, cooker hood etc.

Smoke colorWhite
Weightapprox. 1g/stick
Size44 x 0.5 mm
Amount of smokeapprox. 0.75 m³
Burning timeapprox. 25 sec.
There are no probes for this item.
There are no accessories for this item.
Säkerhetsdatablad röktändstickor

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