We have measurement systems and instruments for every conceivable environment and need. Here you can find out which measurement solutions are suitable for different industries and areas. Get in touch if you need help choosing the right stationary or handheld measurement technology for your business.
Ventilation and indoor climate
Hello, service technician! Here you will find measurement solutions that ensure a good climate for people, equipment and products.
Construction, real estate and infrastructure
Check out our range of meter boxes for convenient remote monitoring of buildings and infrastructure throughout their lifecycles.
Cooling and heating
Discover smart measurement products for quick checks of measurement quantities and easy adjustments on various cooling and heating systems.
Life Science
Measurement systems and instruments that provide full control of refrigerated and frozen environments for high medical quality and patient safety.
Food products
Explore reliable, easy-to-use measurement products for monitoring temperatures in all areas of the food industry.
Museums, libraries and archives
Smart measurement solutions for climate monitoring of sensitive indoor environments, preventing damage to art, books and documents.
Flue gas
Here you will find systems and products for efficient flue gas analysis in both combustion plants and various industries.
Avoid costly disruptions to production. Discover measuring instruments for effective preventive maintenance in all industries.
Need to measure current, voltage or resistance? We have the tools for smooth installations and high electrical safety.