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Mission: ensuring the correct temperature of medicines during transport

Djurpharmacia läkemedel Linda

Djurfarmacia in Trollhättan delivers large quantities of medicines to private individuals, animal breeders, veterinarians and animal hospitals around the country. To ensure that the cold chain is maintained throughout and the right temperature vaccines and medicines reach their recipients, extensive validation of the climates of different transport boxes is carried out.

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Secret cooling jobs with proven measuring instruments

Lasse TestTechnik Översikt

Lasse Andersson likes to think a few times and create special solutions for cooling. Measurements and calibrations of instruments have been an important part of his long career. In his retirement, Lasse now helps the Swedish military with cooling installations and measurements – often using Testo instruments from the 1990s.

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Safe temperatures important for leading lubricant producer

In a state-of-the-art facility in Västerhaninge, FUCHS Lubricants Sweden AB produces 38,000 tons of lubricants annually for customers throughout the Nordic region. Accurate temperature measurement is essential in both the laboratory and in manufacturing. As part of ensuring high quality in all parts of the business, some 50 sensors are calibrated each year by Nordtec.

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Mapping helps Strömberg grow

The Nordic logistics company Strömberg is aiming for expansion in medical technology. With the help of mapping of temperature levels, so-called mapping, carried out by Nordtec, Strömberg has acquired knowledge about how to create a perfect indoor climate that meets the high demands of both customers and authorities.

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Mapping ensures the right temperatures in the pet pharmacy

In 2007, Djurfarmacia started wholesaling. Soon there was a shop selling personal care products for animals and a veterinary clinic. Three years later, they also received permission to open the Apotek Trollet animal pharmacy. In order to comply with legal requirements that medicines are stored at the right temperatures, Djurfarmacia has commissioned a so-called mapping…

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