testo 340 – professional flue gas instrument for industry

Professional emission meter for industrial applications

  • CAMPAIGN! Until December 31, 2024, the first service is included free of charge with the purchase of a flue instrument! The offer can be used within 18 months of purchase.
  • TÜV approved / EN standard 50379 Part 2
  • Powerful instrument diagnosis
  • PC analysis with "easyEmission"

Delivery time: 5-10 working days

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Delivery time: 5-10 working days

testo 340 – professional flue gas instrument for industrial applications

1 O2 measuring cell + 3 optional measuring cell locations – choose between 7 gas measuring cells

testo 340 is a powerful instrument for spot checks of emission values in industrial applications. The system emphasizes high flexibility and functionality when measuring various emission parameters in industrial applications. The instrument has 4 measurement cell locations where only O2 is fixed. In addition, it is possible to choose freely between CO, COlow, NO, NOlow, NO2, SO2 (at least one measuring cell must be selected). Apart from the gases listed above, the instrument measures and calculates all the usual parameters such as temperature, pressure, excess air and others. but also mass and volume flows.

The memory management in testo 340 allows for shorter logging of measured values (max. 2 hours). The memory also allows for site management with 100 folders (customers/system) and 10 sites under them. Up to 200 measurement blocks per site can be logged/saved (limited by the number of folders and sites). To analyze measurement data, the software (easyEmission) efficiently presents measurement data, manages the customer database and creates reports. The measurement data can also be saved to a PDA via the IRDA interface.

The testo 340 has an advanced self-diagnostic feature that provides the user with information about the performance of the instrument. The instrument warns before a measuring cell runs out so that there is time to order home before they are used up. This avoids unpleasant surprises during their work. The instrument has been fitted with a new gas pump that automatically regulates the flow and keeps it constant, helping to improve measurement accuracy. The new pump also offers the possibility to extend the hose between the flue gas sensor by up to 7.8 meters.

  • TÜV approved / EN standard 50379 Part 2
  • Powerful instrument diagnosis
  • PC analysis with “easyEmission” (download evaluation version from the Download tab)
  • Logging function up to two hours
  • Optional measuring cells in addition to O2: CO, COlow, NO, NOlow, NO2, SO2
  • Dilution: 5 times on one cell site, 2 times on all cell sites.

Contact us for more information on the instrument and its accessories.

Included in delivery

Flue gas instrument testo 340, factory protocol, carrying strap,O2 measuring cell and integrated flow and differential pressure measurement.

Fabriksprotokoll: utfärdas på fabriken efter en kontroll av att produkten fungerar och uppfyller angiven mätnoggrannhet. Läs om skillnaden mellan fabriksprotokoll och ackrediterad kalibrering.

ATTENTION! Your testo 340 must be equipped with at least one additional gas measuring cell to work. Up to three additional measuring cells can be mounted.

O2 measurement
measurement range:

0...25 vol. %
±0.2 Vol. %
0.1 vol. %
CO measurement (H2 comp.)
measuring range:

0...10,000 ppm
0...200 ppm = ±10 ppm or ±10% of mv.
201...2,000 ppm = ±20 ppm or ±5% of mv.
2,001...10,000 ppm = ±10% of mv.
1 ppm
CO low measurement (H2 comp.)
measuring range:

0...500 ppm
0...39.9 ppm = ±2 ppm
±5% of etc. in other areas
0.1 ppm
NO measurement
measurement range:

0...3000 ppm
0...99 ppm = ±5 ppm
100...1999 ppm = ±5% of mv.
2000...3000 ppm = ±10% of etc.
1 ppm
NOlow measurement
measurement range:

0...300 ppm
0...40 ppm = ±2 ppm
40...300 ppm = ±5% of mv.
0.1 ppm
NO2 measurement
measuring range:

0...500 ppm
0...199 ppm = ±10 ppm
200...500 ppm = ±5% of mv.
0.1 ppm
SO2 measurement
measurement range:

0...5000 ppm
0...99 ppm = ±10 ppm
100...5000 ppm = ±10% of etc.
1 ppm
Temperature TE type K
measuring range:

-40 ... +1200 °C
0.0...100 °C = ±0.5 °C
±0.5% of etc. in other areas
0.1 °C
Drag measurement
measurement range:

-40...+40 hPa
-3...+3 hPa = ±0.03 hPa
±1.5% of etc. in other areas
0.01 hPa
Diff pressure measurement
measuring range:

-200...+200 hPa
-50...+50 hPa = ±0.5 hPa
±1.5% of etc. in other areas
0.1 hPa
Absolute pressure measurement
measuring range:

600...+1150 hPa
±10 hpa
1 hPa
Calculated parameters
flue gas loss:
flue gas dew point

0...120% - resolution 0.1%
0...99% - resolution 0.1%
0...99% - resolution 0.1%
CO2 measurement (calculated from O2)
measurement range:

0 to CO2 max
±0.2 Vol.%
0.1 Vol.%
Technical data for Measuring range expansion see separate data sheet
General technical data
MemoryMaximum 100 folders
Per folder maximum 10 measurement locations
Per measurement location max 200 logs
Pump data pump flow:
hose length: max pos. pressure
max neg. pressure

0.6l/min (regulated)
max. 7.8 m
+50 mbar
-200 mbar
User Defined Fuel Selections10 user-defined fuels including test gas
Weight960 g
Size283 x 103 x 65 mm
Storage temp-20...+50 °C
Operating temp-5...+50 °C
DisplayGraphic display, 160 x 240 pixels
Power supply accumulator3.7 V / 2.4 Ah
Power Supply Power Supply6.3 V / 2 A
Material Instrument HousingTPE PC
Protection classIP40
Guarantee instrument:
measuring cells:

2 years excluding consumable parts such as measuring cells, filters etc.
1 year
1 year for CO, NO, COlow, NOlow, NO2, SO2
1.5 years for O2
Contact us for suitable probes
Datablad testo 340
testo easyEmission

Om du redan har installerat testo easyEmission på din PC, kommer ditt befintliga program att uppdateras till version 2.7. Alla versioner av testo easyEmission kan uppdateras. Den här versionen kan också användas som en utvärderingsversion för kunder som inte redan har installerat testo easyEmission.


I de flesta Windows-versioner laddas filer ned till en mapp med namnet ”Hämtade filer” eller ”Download”. Flytta den nedladdade ZIP-filen till C:/temp eller direkt till C:/ och packa upp den. Högerklicka sedan på EXE-filen och välj ”Kör som administratör”. Då påbörjas installationen atuomatiskt. När allt är klart ska det ha skapats en Testo-mapp i startmenyn, där du hittar den nya programikonen.

Skriv din fråga i det här fältet.

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