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Find the energy villains and reduce heating costs

The thermal imaging camera is a versatile working tool to say the least. With its detailed thermal images, you can ensure optimal indoor climates for people, equipment and machinery. And, more importantly, you have an opportunity to detect and fix costly energy wasters. Still high electricity prices make this undeniably interesting, right?

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Measurement helps churches minimize costly moisture damage

There are many places in a church that can be exposed to moisture, causing damage to walls and ceilings, furnishings and decorations, textiles and books. An increasing number of parishes and pastorates have started to systematically log moisture and also temperature to avoid costly moisture damage while minimizing heating costs.

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Important moisture measurement in crawl spaces and attics

It is important to inspect certain critical environments at regular intervals in order to detect and remedy any mold problems in good time. In crawl spaces and attics, it is common for moisture to cause microbial growth. Here, experienced moisture consultant Kim Olmås explains how mold develops, how to detect it and what measures to…

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Is indoor air drier than in the Sahara?
This can lead to production problems.

Dry indoor air in winter can lead to problems for both people and production environments. To detect and, as far as possible, remedy this, it is a good idea to measure and preferably log air temperature and humidity over a longer period.

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Methods and instruments for measuring indoor climate

What exactly is a good indoor climate? On the one hand, people may have different perceptions of what is acceptable in terms of temperature and draughts. What we call thermal comfort. On the other hand, there are physical measurable quantities such as air temperature, radiant temperature from surfaces, air movement, humidity and so on.

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Enhanced climate monitoring of priceless objects

Livrustkammaren, Augusta Persson och Ann-Sofie

An important part of the work of conservators Augusta Persson and Ann-Sofie Stjernlöf is to take preventive measures to ensure that the historical objects in the museums’ care are not damaged. At the Livrust Chamber, remote monitoring of temperature and humidity is being strengthened. The same applies to the Swedish Museum of the Holocaust, where…

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Measurement technology important piece of the puzzle in Vitrolife’s expansion


There is an increasing demand for IVF treatments worldwide. This means that the medtech company Vitrolife’s growth journey continues. A key prerequisite for further expansion is continuous, safe and accurate climate monitoring in a wide range of environments.

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Smart concrete measurement streamlines construction of maternity hospitals

HA Bygg kundcase översikt

HA Bygg is literally laying the foundation for a new maternity hospital at Östra Sjukhuset in Gothenburg. A yellow smart concrete computer helps supervisor Fredrik Daun and his crew keep track of when castings have reached the right strength, saving a lot of valuable time.

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Mission: ensuring the correct temperature of medicines during transport

Djurpharmacia läkemedel Linda

Djurfarmacia in Trollhättan delivers large quantities of medicines to private individuals, animal breeders, veterinarians and animal hospitals around the country. To ensure that the cold chain is maintained throughout and the right temperature vaccines and medicines reach their recipients, extensive validation of the climates of different transport boxes is carried out.

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With an optimal climate, you can finish the building on time.

High humidity can delay even the most well-planned construction projects. Therefore, it is important to keep a close eye on the building climate to quickly see if the drying process is proceeding according to plan or if you may need to take extra measures to give the drying process a boost in the right direction.…

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Secret cooling jobs with proven measuring instruments

Lasse TestTechnik Översikt

Lasse Andersson likes to think a few times and create special solutions for cooling. Measurements and calibrations of instruments have been an important part of his long career. In his retirement, Lasse now helps the Swedish military with cooling installations and measurements – often using Testo instruments from the 1990s.

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Damn, what a simple solution to monitor the ice cream warehouse

Kronobergs Kylteknik sees great potential for Celsicom Easy Connect in the food industry. It is a very affordable extra security for many different food companies, says refrigeration technician Marcus Danielsson. One of them is Lohilo, which has two smart meter boxes monitoring its 1,200 square meter main freezer warehouse of protein ice cream, including the…

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Robust logs ensure vital sterile processes

– They are very durable and easy to use. And it’s quicker to read temperatures than any other equipment I’ve tried. So says Magnus Björklund of MECQ about the testo 190 autoclave loggers he uses to validate sterilization processes in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.

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Remotely monitored environments hold the medicines of the future

ClinStorage has found a growing niche in the pharmaceutical industry. In meticulously controlled warehouses, they store the medicines of the future. The company uses the validated testo Saveris 1 computerized remote monitoring system to ensure that any temperature changes in refrigerators and freezers can be detected and acted upon quickly.

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Follow the strength of concrete in real time – wherever you are

For a long time, the Celsicom remote monitoring system could be used to remotely and in real time monitor concrete temperatures during casting. It has been possible to follow the initial increase in temperature due to the chemical reaction of the cement and the subsequent decrease in temperature as the concrete begins to fully cure.

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Mapping helps Strömberg grow

The Nordic logistics company Strömberg is aiming for expansion in medical technology. With the help of mapping of temperature levels, so-called mapping, carried out by Nordtec, Strömberg has acquired knowledge about how to create a perfect indoor climate that meets the high demands of both customers and authorities.

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How Fujirebio meets stringent temperature control requirements

Fujirebio has 50 years of experience in providing in vitro diagnostic (IVD) solutions, from development and manufacturing to selling robust IVD products worldwide. Throughout the business, there are strict requirements to ensure that all medical raw materials are stored at exactly the right temperature at all times. To meet these legal requirements, Fujirebio uses the…

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The right climate in sensitive environments at the Art Museum

Halland Art Museum is beautifully located next to Nissan and Norre Katts Park in Halmstad. Here visitors can enjoy exhibitions and exciting events. A few years ago the museum underwent a major refurbishment. The house was renovated and an extension added with the entrance facing the city. As part of this work, the museum invested…

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Wind turbine towers made of natural carbon fiber

Gothenburg-based Modvion is challenging the wind power industry with a patented concept for modular towers made of laminated, curved plywood from Nordic spruce. Nordtec has provided Celsicom products in the development phase. Wood Technology Company CEO Otto Lundman talks about the benefits of all-wood wind towers, why height matters and what the vision is.

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Balancing heating and ventilation in hospitals

Operation technician Martin Lundin works with the indoor climate at the hospital in Västerås but also at the hospitals in Fagersta, Sala and Köping in Region Västmanland. His constant challenge is to create comfortable indoor environments for both healthcare professionals and patients while keeping energy consumption low.

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40th anniversary of good cheerleaders

Since 1982, Almondy has been spreading the joy of coffee with its frozen cakes. The Daimt cake, which has been around for over 20 years, remains the company’s best seller worldwide. To ensure a high quality of both raw materials and finished baked goods, Almondy has a strong focus on reliable temperature monitoring at all…

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